Chopped Cheese, often hailed from the bodegas of Harlem and the Bronx, is a New York City legend. This dish is like the lovechild of a cheeseburger and a Philly cheesesteak. It's gritty, it's real, and it's delicious. Perfect for a casual hangout with friends or when you're craving something hearty and full of flavor.

Ingredients (makes 4) :

  • 500g ground beef (the real fatty ground beef — not the low-fat variant)

  • 4 hero rolls (you want them sturdy enough to handle the mix - from the Netherlands? Get Surinaamse puntjes as a subsitute)

  • 8-10 slices of that gooey cheddar.

  • 2 large onions, chopped in rings.

  • 4 tablespoons of mayo

  • 2 tablespoons of mustard

  • 2 tablespoons of Adobo seasoning (or make your own mixture of salt, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder).

  • Optional but actually mandatory: thinly sliced lettuce and tomatoes for some fresh crunch

  • Oil for cooking (i prefer peanut oil - ‘cause of the high burning point.)

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Prep the Rolls: Start by toasting the bread. Get them nice and golden to hold up against the juicy beef. Set them aside when done.

  2. Cook the Beef: Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add a splash of oil, then toss in the ground beef and pat it down. Break it apart with a spatula when caramalized on the bottom and cook until it's browned and crumbly. This is where the magic starts.

  3. Add the Onions: Throw in those chopped onions and mix them in with the beef. Cook until the onions are soft and starting to caramelize. You're building layers of flavor here, so let them mingle and get to know each other.

  4. Season: Season it with Adobo. Feel the beat, taste the heat, adjust as you like.

  5. Cheese Time: Reduce the heat to low. Line up your ground beef and onion mixture and Lay those cheese slices right on top of it. Let them melt into a glorious, gooey blanket.

  6. Final Assembly: Open your toasted rolls and spread each side with mayo and mustard. Then, pile the cheesy beef mixture high onto the rolls. If you're using lettuce, tomatoes now's the time to add them.

  7. Serve: For the OG-experience, wrap it up in tinfoil. Cut each bun in half for easier handling, or if you're feeling bold, tackle it whole. Serve immediately while it's hot and the cheese is at its stringy best.
